Tuesday 11 March 2008

The Other Castle

Craigmillar Castle. It’s the other castle in Edinburgh. It’s pretty much right in the middle of the ‘burb of Craigmillar (funny that, who would have guessed?!). It’s pretty much on a hill. Yet, owing to some trickery of light, some cunning planting of trees, and of course the effects of living in a holographic universe, it’s pretty much invisible until you’re right on top of it. Alien Wally and Mags didn’t even know it was there until they, along with all residents of Edinburgh, got vouchers for free visits to both castles.

Even though it’s missing a roof and a floor here and there, it’s a lovely castley castle, with lots of nooks and crannies to explore. And once you have wended your way to the top, the panoramic views are incredible, including the one of Edinburgh Castle (the other other one, that is, the one everyone knows about).

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